This project was a Public/Private partnership between the City of Manchester and a private LLC that runs the restaurant and function facility. Derryfield Country Club is a city owned municipal golf course run by the Parks and Recreation Department. The old facility was a 100 year old colonial which had been added on to many times over the years and was in need of major renovations to meet the current building and life safety codes. The restaurant owners lease space from the city in the same building. The Parks and Recreation Department was also housed in the building. After acquiring city bonded funds for a new facility, the city hired an architect and construction manager to work with Parks and the restaurant owners for a new facility. The initial design came $1.3mm over budget and was put on hold. Castagna Consulting Group was hired by the restaurant owners to act as Program Manager to facilitate the redesign to fit the budget. Working with the original architect, several scenarios were discussed until the project program fit the budget as well as the needs of the occupants. After the design was complete we facilitated the bidding process for a general contractor to build the facility. We also oversaw the construction phase t ensure quality and adherence to the design and budget. The project began in October of 2004 and was completed August 1, 2005. The new facility is a 2-story, 15,000SF wood framed building. The upper floor holds the restaurant and bar that holds 135 people, a 200 person function room an outdoor elevated deck that will house an additional 90 people that overlooks the 6th fairway of the golf course. The lower level houses the city parks department, locker rooms and pro shop for the golf course.